[ sunday afternoons... ]

After church today we met the congregation of Redeemer Presbyterian downtown by the bay for a picnic lunch. Laura, Pastor Dan's wife, had bought food for all twenty-some of us! It's such a beautiful day here.
Tomorrow I am speaking at our weekly teaching meeting on 1 Thess. 4:13-5:28 -- really hard but good stuff. I have a lot of work to do yet today but am praying that this preparation time will be a time of treasuring Jesus. It's a much different type of talk than I have given at Muskingum -- not so much topical, but all-text based. It can be a little overwhelming to study the Word -- well -- word-by-word and realize that, in all reality, someone could spend an entire year teaching on 1 Thessalonians! Side note: WOW. Paul loved that church!
Alright, in all honesty, I really do need to get some work done -- that is, after I order a cheap Sprint cell phone off eBay. I was in a hurry to wash my uniform the other day and definitely washed the good ol' cell phone. Oh, well.
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