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Angie and I worked at the Quality Inn from about 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., which wasn't so bad. While we were checking out, she paused for a moment and said to our general manager, "Today 'together everyone achieved more!'" You know, the T.E.AM. motto that seems to find its way onto a majority of office walls and workplace bulletin boards. She cracks me up! I love working with her. God's given us the opportunity to have spiritual conversations with most of our co-workers, though we haven't been able to dig deeper into the gospel itself. Time with others is limited -- about twenty minutes at lunch and random times here and there throughout the day. It's been cool, though, to see how the Lord provokes questions in our co-workers. I can begin to see how many times I've failed at being prepared, as Peter describes in his letter to scattered believers throughout Asia Minor, "...to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you," -- with gentleness and reverence. (1 Pt. 3:15)
After work about ten of us girls from project went to B.D.'s Mongolian BBQ -- yum! It was so fun to spend time off campus with them. Angie asked me the same question we asked Holly during her birthday celebration -- how I saw the Lord at work in the past year and my hopes for the upcoming year. I think we should probably ask ourselves that more often, not just on our birthdays. I need daily reverence in aligning my heart's desires with God's activity in the world.
Tomorrow's a big day: lots of meetings, going out sharing with the women I disciple, planning and hopefully some concentrated time in the Word. With how busy project can be, I've found myself coming to the Lord late-late-late at night, asking Him to restore me through His Word and in prayer. In reality, nothing will be worthwhile if I am not treasuring Christ above all in these last weeks on project. Time is flying by -- unbelievable.
More later, I'm sure. I expect to be continually looking back on project, both now and later, and reaching for the nearest piece of scrap paper to write down something that has made my heart skip a beat, a new idea or thought that has urged me forward to seek Him harder or a fun moment that has made me bend over in laughter.
I love this time -- this place, these people and what God is doing in me and in others here.
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