[ let justice and praise become my embrace ]

Here's some things -- people -- moments -- that I've been thinking about, both unrelated to project and others that have been very much a part of being here. Those things -- people -- moments -- that make "me," me -- you know, stuff I can embrace that maybe I haven't before:
- I want to spend the "best hours of my day" with people. It's been challenging so far working a housekeeping position because I interact with vacuums, Spic 'N Span and huge trash bags full of linens for six or seven hours per day. Yikes! This is hard for me; I don't really "receive life" -- this is a phrase I've been interacting with that phrase lately -- from being alone. God is working amidst this. (Random other thought: has anyone ever snapped a vacuum belt? The other day at work I accidentally vacuumed over a pen cap, heard a strange snapping noise and then encountered a terrible smell! Anyway, it was an experience. I had to Febreze the room like no other!)
- God is asking me to seek Him hard TODAY. He's entrusted me with that call first, and then for ME to be ME for His story and kingdom-work TODAY, not Jessica Marshall one year from now or even two weeks from now. He's adequately prepared me for today, and trusting in that is the biggest way I can serve Him now and for what's to come later. (This all seems to make sense in my mind. But maybe not so much in the application in my heart and life. Hey, I'm 20.)
- I really want to commit my life to the city. How that'll look a year from now, I'm not sure. I'm becoming more excited the more I read and think and pray about this! I've been reading a lot of Tim Keller stuff, both his writing and sections on his church website.
- My family is fun. I love them a lot.
- I love to sing! I mean, I've known that, but wow, praise God for that.
- My favorite time of the day, I've discovered, is around 7 or 8 p.m. in the spring and 9:30 or 10 p.m. (it stays light later here!) in the summer; the time when the sun hits buildings warmly that seems to set a glow on the bricks in a "just-such" way. Ah!
- Joseph Arthur Ellis. :)
- Students are staying up later and later here on project. I can count on people hanging out here in a few minutes when I head upstairs to the Tiki Hut. That's such a sweet thing right now.
If you're reading this, you're probably a grace-extender in my life and embrace me "as-is" anyway, beyond this silly blog. ;)
Love you all.
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