[ GTB update! ]
I've been pretty inconsistent so far with posting from Traverse City, but will be trying harder in the next couple weeks, as work schedules become more set in stone and as I figure out what's the best time to spend a half-hour or so on the computer each day (we only have access in our downstairs lobby, which is actually a big blessing for a lot of us on project). I definitely DO check and send e-mail, though, and would love to hear from you. The e-mail I've been trying to use more often is jmarshall714@gmail.com.
I didn't get a job at the Cracker Barrel when I interviewed last Thursday afternoon -- the manager had a list of four or five night servers who were hoping to move the day shift. (Overall, day shifts are more pleasant to work and you earn more tips, too.) I had anticipated this and wasn't sure how I'd react to it, but God really extended me grace, humility and perspective that afternoon to begin understanding that I have such a loose grasp on what's good or best and especially His own plan for my summer.
Later last Thursday and then Friday I continued the job search, applying at a few retail stores and picking up about two dozen other applications to take back on Saturday morning. It seemed like there were a lot of businesses that were giving out applications but not immediately hiring, so Angie and I went out on Saturday morning away from downtown, where most of us had been putting our applications. We woke up early, had some breakfast, and started asking managers at hotels along Front Street (one of the main roads running through Traverse City) if they were immediately hiring. Some were and most weren't, but we came across one hotel -- about two miles from NMC -- whose front desk worker told us that her manager would be back soon and that they were hiring for housekeeping.

Though I loved serving tables, there were some days when I would get anxious and not feel great physically. I am experiencing God's provision in placing me in housekeeping, which is hard work but hasn't been causing anxiety in me. Praise God.
The other day after work Angie and I had the opportunity to go out with one of our co-workers Ashley for a bite to eat at Taco Bell and got into some really awesome conversation. I really felt led to share the gospel with her, and though she didn't respond, I am thankful that Angie and I have all summer to model Jesus' love to her and that He is faithfully drawing Him to herself. I already love Ashley so much.
Angie and I can ride our bikes to work!
I am amazed at the boldness of students here in going out to share their faith. There's been some really cool stuff so far -- MANY people trusting in Christ and surely hundreds of spiritual conversations.
We're studying 1 Peter, which I may have mentioned in the last post -- but it's been challenging and necessary all at the same time. Our director Matt Kent has been leading our Monday night teaching times during our weekly meeting. He is such a wise man and it's been cool to have his family around, too.
Been thinking a lot about ministry and God's call upon my life. Lots to discern and process this summer. I can only thank Him and others here that this time and space is ideal for that.
Love you all.
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