
[ grace like rain falls down ]

My friend Angela is on Summer Project with Campus Crusade for Christ in Orlando, FL this summer, and is simply being transformed. It's encouraging and exciting. I've loved talking to her because she is digging deep during her time there, desiring to build into others, spend significant amounts of time in prayer, deal with conflict in order to achieve unity and allow God to work through her in mighty ways.

Angie and I talked on the phone for a half-hour or so this evening, and talked a lot about identity in Christ and the freedom that brings to our relationship with God and with others. I've often thought of my identity in Christ as a sort of peace of mind, knowing 'where I stand' and so on, but I think there's something bigger here.

Paul writes to the believers at Colosse:

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority. (Col. 2:9-10)

...and later writes:

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Col. 3:3-4)

If we have been given the fullness -- the absolute, uninhibited, utter reality -- of God in Christ and are united with Him in His death and resurrection, then our union with God brings much more than just recognition and acceptance, I think.

It brings freedom!

It brings freedom.

It really, really brings us freedom.

It frees us to put to death our earthly desires (3:5), the nature that had bound us to darkness and destruction -- into God-understanding, and into awareness of our renewed status in Christ.

Amends made, a revolution begins.

We surrender, He gives us whole-life.

His grace alone falls down on our lives, providing the only authentic sense of self we can have: ourselves -- myself; hidden in Him.

This kind of freedom should make me want to dance or something like that, because I haven't earned this kind of identity -- an identity that endures, that urges me forward. An identity that is deeply rooted, but not by my own planting.

Seeds have been scattered by the Maker, and I must look to Him for life-light and water.

I can't wait to see Angie again in person in mid-August.

There's something very beautiful about seeing someone you haven't seen in awhile, and knowing they've been seeking out Christ and are rejoicing in the Lord's provision and moving in their life.

She is one of those people.

I'm excited for what God is teaching her, and how He'll use her on campus this year -- in ministry, media, her sorority, athletics, friendships and more. As she continues to dig deep, stand firm and cling to Jesus, barriers will continue to be broken down, and men and women will be drawn into the love of God.

This world depends on our clinging -- our throwing-over -- our complete release -- to God through Christ. We yearn for that.

It's exciting and kind of scary, but God will guide us through; His timing is perfect, and His provision is a reality.

There's freedom in clinging.

Keep praying.



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