
[ a few thoughts ]

God is gathering a people to Himself.

This is both exciting and a bit daunting, honestly, because I am being made more aware of my leaning toward 'super-personalized' faith -- understanding and pursuing relationship with God but not quite seeing the 'whole' picture consistently -- the picture, really, of a God who has offered Himself in flesh to redeem an entire Creation -- and who is pursuing and desiring to meet with others as much as He is with me.

A friend and I were at a Bible study a few months ago led by one of our religion professors at Muskingum. Our professor took the group through the book of Ruth -- a moving story of relationship between two women and their desperation-turned-joy (if you haven't had the opportunity to read Ruth, take a look at it -- it's really wonderful).

Though Ruth is a foreigner to the land, she is obedient to the LORD and faithful to her relationship with Naomi, her mother-in-law:

"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me." -Ruth 1:16-18

(Isn't that beautiful?)

Ruth and her genuine trust in a God who both works in spite of (...and through?) ingrained cultural and social barriers: big.

God's design of working through individual people to fulfill His purposes for an entire people: really, really big.

The paradox of God actively working in the world regardless of us and because of us is intriguing and new...and pretty challenging, too.

In wrestling with my own fundamental insignificance and God's significance and how the two can coexist, I am pushed to endure in faith in God's plan -- a plan that is, in its very essence, being revealed to people all around the world...even now.

I love the simple lyrics of David Crowder Band's Come and Listen (from their A Collision album):

Let me tell you what He has done for me
He has done for you
He has done for us
Come and listen
Come and listen to what He has done

In my frequent attempts to understand the 'whole picture' of what God is doing in my life and in those around me, it is assuring to know that I need only listen.


Love you guys.



At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PicklePecker__________________________you know what you are.


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