"The stark reality is that Jesus holds the power to change this world, but this world is seeing less and less of Him through the people who bear His name. We have developed the worst kind of memory loss. We do not remember what needs to be remembered, and we try to ignore what should never be forgotten. As a result, when we finally do make a noise, it leaves nothing real in its wake. It is obvious to all who hear that the explosion was a fraud.
If, indeed, the world and this nation have become places that we condemn and criticize more often than affect, something is drastically wrong with the example we are living...
We must stop being flashbangs:
- Choosing style over substance
- Communicating truth by false means
- Impersonalizing our faith
- Living by rules we do not take the time to understand
- Looking for the perfect thing to say instead of the right way to live(!)"
My prayer is that I would really be able to get over myself, not in a "I have a clear understanding of humility before God" sense, but in authentic obedience to the One who draws near to me in spite of my "choosing style over substance" and tendency toward self-completion.
That He would --and will continue to-- step into our world toward a rising up of joy and radical change.
It's His intention, and He is willing to employ us.
Big stuff.
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