
I'm displacing just a little bit of time before writing my final response paper for Women & the Bible. My good friend Alicia has a cool, unique passion for photojournalism and is sweet about people using her photos for ministry & personal use. Anyway, here are a few of her snapshots.

Left: Brown Chapel on a sunny day. Muskingum is a church-affiliated school (PCUSA) and the chapel serves as a place for worship, concerts, lectures and other happenings. That kind of sounds like a viewbook, yes, but the chapel is a special place, and God is at work big-time on this campus.

Below: From left to right, the Ska House, Lambda Chi Omega (our Christian sorority) and the Lighthouse, where I've lived this year with five really beautiful women. Next year I am going to be an RA in Kelley Hall, our largest co-ed residence hall on campus, and two new women will be moving into the Lighthouse. I am excited to go 'back' to dorm life, but will miss 133 Lakeside a lot. These girls are in for some huge ministry next year, though!


At 2:22 PM, Blogger J. Arthur Ellis said...

Brown Chapel....why is it called that again??

At 6:06 PM, Blogger ohradiogirl said...

nice looking blog jess. also, tell alicia that i enjoyed her pix.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.


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